Hairstyles are used to express feelings, attitudes and personality. It is one of the most important personal aspects and one in which a considerable amount of time, effort, and even money, is invested.Although there are literally thousands of different possible hairstyles, most of them require complex preparation and modeling, usually involving scissors, many sprays and products, many different combs and appliances.

Normally people don’t have that much time in the morning, so preparing complicated hairstyles is a practical impossibility. However there are still a few dozen different styles that can be easily, and rapidly, applied, allowing everyone to feel more like themselves.
For men with short hair, it is usually a simple question of which side to comb the hair to. With a few strokes of a brush or a comb, a simple mullet or bangs can be created. With a small dose of mousse, and using only the fingers, hair can be modeled into several original shapes.

For women there are more possibilities. Fringes and mullets are also readily obtainable, but the wide variety of waves, layers and comb overs is amazing. It can be possible to tie long hair up to the back of the head, or to let it down for once. Why not giving it more volume by blowdrying it from underneath, or rather making it stay closer to the head.
A simple solution for very different styles is to use elastics or bobbypins that easily permit the hair to be shaped into new forms and unexpected styles, or to create elegant pony tails.

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